Tips to Save Money on Your Attorney Bill

· law firm

Going through a divorce is a lot to handle. It’s hard on your mental and emotional state, and it can even take a physical toll. There’s a lot to think about and consider at every step of the divorce.

In some cases, you have the time to plan for the divorce and you can have a better idea of what’s coming. Other times, it hits you out of nowhere and you need to learn how to adjust quickly. The divorce might be relatively simple and straightforward, although this is rare. Most of the time, it can be quite ugly. Regardless, it has the potential to be expensive. Below, you will find some tips that you can use that will help you to save some money on your Mesa divorce attorney bill.

Take Notes of Your Own

Whenever you are speaking with an attorney or handling anything regarding your divorce for that matter, make sure that you are taking notes. This is true whether you are meeting in person or you are talking with them on the phone or over the web. Have a notepad with you when you meet with your Scottsdale divorce lawyer and write down everything pertinent. Make sure you have all of your questions answered, as well.

There’s a lot of information that you will receive, and it’s going to be almost impossible to remember everything they’ve said. Writing it all down will give you the notes that you can refer to later when you need them. The more you write down, the more you will be able to remember and have handy. This means that you won’t have to repeat the questions or set up another meeting with the attorney so they can go over the information that you already have.

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Electronic Documents

Another way that you can save some money on your attorney bill is by providing documents electronically. It’s important that you maintain your electronic file of documents for your case. The divorce attorney in Scottsdale AZ or any other area will store various things like filings and evidence. If the attorney has to pay their staff to upload all of the evidence that you’ve collected into a digital format, it will reflect in the amount that you have to pay.

However, you can gather and upload the documents yourself electronically. You can—and should—keep a copy for yourself and then share the documents with your attorney. The lawyer you are working with should be able to provide you with instructions on how you can do this if you aren’t sure how to proceed.

Combine Communications

It’s also important that you take the time to make sure that you have gathered all of your questions that you’ll have for the attorney before you send an email or make a call. Taking care of multiple questions at the same time can help you to save a substantial amount of money.

For example, let’s say that you have five questions that you are asking. If you were to send out each of those questions in a separate email or phone call, this would mean that you then have five entries of charges for which you will be billed. Instead, you should make sure that you are using just one call, email, or meeting to have all of the questions handled.

It’s okay if you take a little bit of time to formulate your questions. Write them all down and think about whether you might have any other questions that you need the answers to right now. Also, when you receive those answers, be sure to put them in your notebook where you have all of the other information. This way, you can keep everything together, so you can quickly and easily refer to it when you need it. A little organization can go a long way when it comes to saving money on attorney’s fees.

Write Your Story

Here’s another quick tip that will help you not only to save money, but that has the potential to help guide your case. Write out your story to the divorce lawyers Mesa and pretend they are the judge. Write the story that you want the judge to hear and include a detailed timeline of the most important events. Be sure to explain all of your concerns and your goals.

Once you have written the letter, you can then go over it with your attorney. The lawyer will provide you with feedback on what you’ve written, so you can then go back and rewrite it. This simple yet important tip has the potential to help you save thousands of dollars. It will help to serve as a guide for your attorney until your case is done.


Without a doubt, trust is the main ingredient when it comes to having a successful attorney-client relationship. You need to have an attorney that you can trust and who can help to guide you through a difficult and frightening time. When you have a good attorney, they can keep you informed about what’s happening with your case. They can make sure that they have all the information they need to serve you well and be a good advocate for you.

If you have an attorney that forgets about you when you aren’t checking in with them regularly, it’s time to find a new attorney. If they aren’t working on your case and providing you with feedback and updates, they are not properly advocating for you. It’s okay to switch attorneys if you feel they aren’t working in your best interest.

Take the time to find a good, qualified divorce attorney in Scottsdale AZ that has plenty of experience working with cases like yours. With the tips above, you also have the potential to save a lot of money during your divorce. You already have a lot to worry about when you are getting divorced, so you don’t want to make the attorney fees another problem.